Sunday 25 December 2022

What To Ask Yourself When Purchasing A Multi-Extruder 3d Printer?

The number of extruders a model's 3D printer has is one of the countless other characteristics that distinguish it from other FDM models (see our guide on 3D printing basics for more information on the different types of 3D printing techniques). In essence, this is the number of print heads. If your 3D printer has only one extruder, you can only create objects using that one material and one colour unless you switch the mid-print filament. A dual extruder 3D printer, or even multiple extruder 3D printers, enables printing a single object in more than one material and colour.

1.       What are the benefits of a multi-extruder 3D printer?

Using twin extruders by 3D print makers is beneficial in various ways. The most popular application is to separate the filament used to create support material from the filament used to print an object. Support materials are used when building complicated things that frequently have overhangs. The overhang would collapse or droop when the filament cools down if there was no supporting material.

With the help of multi extruders, you may separate low-grade filament from the support material, which will be thrown away when the finished product is made. In some projects, the support material can be printed using a specific degradable or soluble filament that is simpler to remove once the project is finished. This method facilitates quick and clean removal of the support material while accelerating the printing process.

2.       How to pick a dual extruder 3D printer

Multi-extrusion 3D printers are widely available and come in various functionalities and pricing points. It is essential to be aware of the many multi-extrusion 3D printer kinds on the market and what each type is capable of to make the most of the technology and avoid paying more.

3.       How do you print multiple filaments?

Since multi-extrusion printers feature multiple extruders and automatically switch between them, you may print with various materials without manually changing filaments. In contrast to IDEX printers, which can use both nozzles concurrently to increase print speed, dependent multi-extrusion systems only permit printing with two filaments in turn.

4.       Do you need more than one extruder on your 3D printer?

The complexity of the object you plan to print will ultimately determine whether you purchase a multiple extrusion printer. A single extruder might be adequate for your needs if the thing you are printing is relatively straightforward. Different support materials may also be advantageous if you need highly detailed colour prints but still want to paint or finish your product to add colour after it has been printed. 

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